Some time back I was having breakfast with a couple of guys that I work with in one of the organizations which I volunteer. In this organization, I have been leading a group of about nine men for about four months to set a vision for the group, decide upon our key focus areas, and lay out activities which the group will undertake for the next year. I was very pleased with how the team "gelled" and the fact that we seemed to be moving the ball forward towards meeting our vision. During breakfast, one of the guys told me that, by and large, the team was happy with me but a couple felt that I came in too heavy-handed and authoritarian. Blech.
Colleagues - I just created a daily calendar for dads using our Six-Word Lessons format. Each month I focus on a specific topic, such as "Planning for the Future", "Balancing it All", "Managing Your Career", etc. Every day I send out a Six-Word Lesson for that topic (see samples above). To avoid flooding inboxes with daily emails, I am doing only through social media. If you would like to get these lessons in your social media feed click on one of the below social media buttons and follow me. I also appreciate you sharing the lessons in your social media feed :-). As always would love your feedback. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me.
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February 2025