Recently Microsoft named its Cloud Computing chief Satya Nadella as it's next CEO. Nadella is only the 3rd CEO in the company's nearly 40-year history after Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Nadella is a great choice. He's very tech savvy, forward thinking, and well respected. I've had a very long-standing relationship with Microsoft as an employee and consultant and am very pleased with the Board's choice. Read a bit more on some of Nadella's priorities as CEO.
I ran across this very cool graphic on cloud computing facts and predictions for 2014. As PM's, it's more and more important that you get versed on the cloud, the value it brings, and the challenges involved in implementing cloud-based solutions. If you're still at the lower end of the cloud learning curve, check out a few more Amazon resources to help you get better versed on the cloud. My wife got me a Fitbit Force for Christmas. I love it! It's a great instant feedback tool and reminder that I need to think about exercise in what I do during the day versus compartmentalizing exercise in something I do at the gym. Since I started wearing it, I park in the lowest level at my client's parking garage and take the steps up to my office; I walk to a more distant cafeteria at lunch, and revel in delight when my wrist-strap starts buzzing after hitting ten thousand steps in a day. I highly recommend the Fitbit as a constant feedback tool to help you build fitness into your daily routine. |
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September 2024