The Truth About Getting Your Point Across...And Nothing But the
Truth (Prentice Hall 2006) is an experience-based, practical guide for anyone who needs to get his or her point across in just about any setting. Whether you are a first-line manager in a large corporation, a CEO of a small business, or a president of a PTA, GYPA will help you navigate difficult communication situations and give you some very practical tips for dealing with a wide range of communications challenges. There are 59 truths grouped into 13 real-life parts When I started working on The Truth About Getting Your Point Across with Prentice Hall, I did some serious soul searching about how to approach the book to best relate to you, the busy reader who wants to get some good practical advice quickly then move on to the next item on your to-do list. I realized that, for this book to be most useful, it needed to be something you didn’t just read once then put on a shelf to forever gather dust. It needed to be something that was easy for you to pick up, get a few quick nuggets, and then apply them immediately. Because I wanted it to be personal, I exposed my own failures (and a couple of successes) to help you avoid many of the perils and pitfalls I have encountered throughout my career. Comments are closed.
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